Sunday, October 25, 2009

Love Making Tip

Follow the love making tip. The Idea is to get things moving emotionally before you start. Start out by giving each other a nice massage to get everything flowing. The more you get into it, the better it will be. By getting her or him buttered up it will stimulate your emotions give you pleasure at its finest.

Run your finger tips all their body. Almost touch their private places but instead go right past them to tease them getting their heart rate going faster.

Get some flower pedals and put them all over the room. The smell of flowers will get you going.

Make sure you include kissing to boil things up. Kiss as long as you want and how you want. Once you both decide you will know when to start.

If you would like 500 sex tips I would recommend that you check out this book. Click on the book to check it out!

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