Thursday, January 17, 2008

Tips on keeping your computer running smooth

Now days computers get spy ware and viruses very often. I don't understand why people make these programs to make your computer run slower and may even have to reinstall everything including the operating system. This is expensive and takes time. The average spy ware/virus removal is $100. Why pay this when you can do this yourself and it does the same thing. It is because of not knowing how to do it. Their are two programs that I use. I use Ad aware and Spy bot. You can download these programs at . They are free to download. All you do is install the program, when it is installed then you update it to make sure that you have the latest spy ware/virus definitions. After you do this then you want to run the scan. When the scan is completed, it will show a list of objects that are making your computer run rough. I usually just check them all and then I remove all objects. When it is done, you should notice a difference in the performance of you system. You should try to do this at least once a week. This way it won't give anything a chance to become a threat to your system. Make sure you keep your spy ware/virus removal programs up to date. If the program isn't updated regularly then the program can't protect you against new spy ware/virus threats. Make sure you have an antivirus program installed that has a resident shield so you are protected at all times. You can download a free anti-virus program at . This is the program I use and it works just fine for me. You should also run the file checker and the disk defragmentor once in awhile. This will also speed up the performance of your system. Clean the dust out of your computer every once in a while too. I hope these tips help!

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