Sunday, January 13, 2008

Why we love our pets!!!

We have 3 Siberian Huskys that we love very dearly. They love to play and go to the dog park and are just full of energy. They love to run around and like to play games. They are somewhat difficult to train because they have so much energy, that they don't listen some of the time. We try to do the best we can with this and make them sit at the door everytime we take them out. That seems to be helping a lot because everytime I take them out, they always sit by the door without me commanding them which is really cool. They have gotten better but they still need training but I guess you can't expect them to be perfect because they have so much energy. I have recently purchased a home which has a fenced in backyard that I am sure they will love dearly because they can run around in the backyard without a chain hooked to their collar. They love playing in the snow, they like to burry their noses in it and jump in it. They are hard dogs to train but it is well worth it. They go in their kennels now whenever I say the word kennel and I thought that was very good. They can sit, lay down, shake and do a high five which is really cool. I have seen these others dogs that open their own presents which is really cool to watch. I don't know wheather I can train these dogs to do the same. I can't wait until we move into the new house so they can have the advandge of the backyard. If you like dogs with a lot of energy that like to play a lot then I would say that you should get yourself your own husky!

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