Saturday, April 4, 2009

I'm trying this jogging workout

I haven't been much of a jogger but I think I know why. Everytime I decide to start to jog, I tend to over push myself the first days and then say heck with it.

I found an 8 week program that I just started trying out and my first day didn't seem to bad. The only thing that I screwed up on it, is I ended up going a little to far so I did more sets of the jogging part. I don't feel horrible like I do whenever I started jogging. I must keep in mind that I need to follow the program because it gradually increases your time. Instead of me trying to jog 6 miles the first day, this aid me in getting up to that point.

Here's what I will be doing.

Now your suppose to start out with a warm up of walking from 5-10 minutes, I just did the first 6 minute walk as my warm up. In weeks to come I will have to do an acually warm up because it requires you to walk for 1 minute and I need at least 5 minutes for my warm-up

Week One: Walk for 6 minutes and jog for 1 minute, repeat this 3 times. I think I ended up doing it 4 or 5 times. 3 sessions 3 times a week.

Week Two: Walk 5 minutes and the jog for 2 minutes. This is a minute difference for both things. 3 sessions 3 times a week.

Week Three: Walk 3 minutes and then jog 4 minutes, repeat 4 times. 4 sessions 4 times a week. Notice how it increases a little bit each week.

Week Four: Walk 2 minutes and the jog 5 minutes, repeat 4 times. 4 sessions 4 times a week.

Week Five: Walk 2 minutes and jog 8 minutes, repeat this 3 times. 4 sessions this week.

Week Six: Walk 2 minutes and jog 9 minutes, repeat this 3 times. 4 sessions this week.

Week Seven: Walk 1 minute and jog 11 minutes, repeat 3 times. 4 sessions this week.

Week Eight: Walk 5 minutes to begin and done with the work out. Run 20 minutes in between.

This program should get be started with jogging so I can job far a long!

1 comment:

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