Monday, April 27, 2009

Whole Foods

Whole foods are unprocessed foods. These foods are better for you and you are able to get more nutrients from them. They are cheaper then processed foods. You are able to eat more of them because they don't contain all the processed additives.

Do you know what foods are whole foods?

Here are examples of whole foods,
-Legumes such as beans, soybeans,peas, and lentils
-Nuts and Seeds
-Whole grains

Whole foods are good for you because they don't contain all the sugar. Processed foods lead to obesity and a bunch of diseases.

If your training to lose weight then you might want to consider to go on a whole food diet. Even if your not looking to lose weight, eating more fruits and vegetables, can be very rewarding towards your health.

Instead of eating that bag of chips, have a healthy fruit or vegetable instead.

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